The Department is involved as a helping hand in the rural and urban population of Haryana to prevent respiratory and tuberculosis diseases in the community. The hospital has exclusive doctors who have specialized in this field. Well, it also has fully equipped OPD services in the department of respiratory and tuberculosis which makes convenient for the patients and doctors in every possible way. The specialized bronchoscopy room for performing distinguished procedures like Biopsies, BAL, TBLB, and cytological studies. The Respiratory care unit encompasses ventilators for very sick patients. The Side Laboratories for the total and different blood counts, Gram’s stain, AFB stain, urine, and stool exam. The hospital department also includes procedure room and Minor OT’s for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures like Aspiration, FNAC, Biopsy, etc. Well, the pulmonary function test is integrated into the hospital and are performed to check the wellbeing of your lungs. All the vulnerable test related to the respiratory problems are critically performed at the Goswami Hospital and Fertility center.