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Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

What is ICSI treatment?

In-house Embryologists perform a highly specialized fertility treatment procedure called ICSI using the micro-manipulation technique. This treatment is done under a highly magnified and powerful microscope. A single egg of the woman is injected with a single sperm of the man. The fertilization rates of ICSI are better than IVF as it bypasses the natural fertilization process. This treatment is highly advantageous in qualitative and quantitative defect of sperm/egg.

When is ICSI Treatment beneficial to Husband?

  • Low sperm count
  • No sperm count will require surgical intervention from testes or male ducts with PESA, TESA or TESE. ICSI treatment will then be performed on the sperms retrieved
  • Low motility of sperms
  • Abnormal sperm morphology

When is ICSI Treatment beneficial to Wife?

  • Moderate to severe Endometriosis
  • Premature Menopause (Premature Ovarian Failure) will need to use donor eggs
  • Poor Ovarian Reserve
  • Unexplained Infertility

ICSI Procedure

  • female egg/s are s picked up by a small 15-minute anaesthesia procedure
  • good quality egg is injected into a sperm by a micromanipulator
  • If fertilization takes place then embryos are cultured in the lab Good quality embryos are then transferred into the uterus by a simple procedure
  • Pregnancy tests are conducted two weeks after the embryo transfer to detect pregnancy